Surveying on circular SMEs and experts takes place in October 2021.

Surveying on circular SMEs and experts takes place in October 2021.

The CSS Erasmus+ project collects GDPR compliant company data, information on the economic sectors concerned, past and current circular activities of the addressed enterprises, their fields of interest in circular company operation.

The survey also targets the identification of SME expectations on the self-scan tool, besides the mapping of circular knowledge, best practices, and training materials.

CSS partners in South Transdanubia (HU), Friesland (NL), and Extremadura (ES) deliver this mapping.

English survey form : Click here!

Hungarian survey form : Click here!

Dutch survey form : Click here!

Spanish survey form : Click here!


City: Pécs
Street and housenumber: Mária utca 3.
ZIP code: 7621
Country: Hungary  





This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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