The circular
SME Scan (CSS)
A circular economy, as a key EU priority before the COVID and in (post-)COVID pandemic times, according to the Commission and Parliament is a contributor for a more green economy in Europe and plays a leading role in Europe's recovery strategy.
In 2021, Circular SME Scan started as a European project funded by the European Commission, executed by four partners throughout Europe; STRIA (Hungary), EOLAS (Spain), AVACA (Greece) and BDF (the Netherlands).
What can we offer you?
The Self-scan
Local connections
stories and examples
Supporting Guides
What is the Circular Economy?

Economy literally means “household management” and comes from the Greek words oikos, meaning “house” and nomos which means “custom” or “law”.
Economics is the social science that studies the factors which determine the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. The ultimate goal of economics is to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday life.

For whom is the Circular Selfscan?
CSS is specifically designed for owners and staff from micro and small enterprises interested in becoming more circular, as well as for entrepreneurs interested in setting up a circular business.